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Hello, I'm Myranda

Founder and Owner of ya.sena

What I believe

I believe working hard means more than just a paying job. It means working on my values and beliefs, my mental and physical health, my knowledge of natural and organic health practices, and sharing that knowledge to better the lives of others. Our lives are fleeting and I want to leave behind a better understanding of the world for the generations of our future. The more we learn now, the more our children will know and the more they will learn for their children. It's all about paying it forward. It starts with you and it keeps going. We won't be perfect in our knowledge but our knowledge can be built upon by others.

Founder/Owner of ya.sena

Why I created ya.sena

Some of this can be found on the OUR STORY and OUR MISSION pages, so I won't repeat myself too much. I grew up in a family who was always very health conscious, meaning we learnt to take care of ourselves by ourselves instead of relying on pharmaceutical drugs. We've always eaten quite cleanly and stayed away from highly processed and preservative filled foods. I have never been to the doctor for a cold or flu, or taken antibiotics for it (opting for vitamins instead). Only once did I take antibiotics for a severe tooth infection where there was no choice but too. Unfortunately after that I had gut issues, as antibiotics destroy your natural gut flora (your microbiome) and I began to get sick way too often.


Your immunity is linked to your gut health and I had to build my gut health back up. This took time and dedication. My Uncle Ross was the biggest help. His extensive knowledge and his constant research helped me to understand that I needed to change in order to better my heath. I needed to also do my own research instead of relying on the information told to me by others (even Ross). Half the time he would tell me to go look it up myself then come back to him with my findings. This was honestly the best thing he could have taught me and I encourage others to do the same. It's one thing to follow another's health journey and do what they do, but it's even better to create your own by determining what works best for you and why it works too. We are all different and different things help different people. No one understands your body and mind more than you do.


I created ya.sena because I want to share the knowledge I've gained and share products that I believe in. I grew up drinking herbal teas (tisanes) for a range of health benefits. The main two being immunity (including when sick) and women's health (periods and hormone balance). These two are my babies so to say, therefore CORE DEFENCE and LUNAR EASE mean a lot to me. I wholeheartedly believe in the efficacy of herbal remedies, by my own experience and the experiences of others. I want you to also experience this too. 


I've spent years researching plant properties and their benefits, to understand them for my own health and now for the health and betterment of others. There's so much I want to share with you and I'm excited for this new journey where I get to do just that. It may have taken the passing of my Uncle Ross to push me to do what he did for others, to continue his teachings, but it's better late than never. 

My intentions for you

I hope to add many more products to ya.sena in the near future, and many more tisane blends. But we all have to start off small. I've only released 4 tisane blends to begin with, this is partly because I am the only person behind ya.sena, and running a business on your own takes up all your time (much more than I thought it would). I'm my own book keeper, marketing agent, content creator, social media manager, photographer and so on. Any information/content you see is from me, so know that you are always speaking to the owner and the owner is speaking directly to you. It feels a little weird referring to ya.sena as an I (me) so I do say we a lot. I do hope that we means more that one person in the future when more people join ya.sena. As I learn to juggle the complexities of the product-based online business world, more good things will be made available to you.


Staying true to why I created these products has kept me humble, it has kept me from thinking about the making money side of things (we all need it, but we don't need crazy amounts). I will never compromise on health, efficacy and sustainability, and will promise to always give affordable prices. I've created ya.sena first and foremost with you in mind. Therefore, my intention is to do this for you, to help you in your health journey, to help you understand your body better, to help you discover the amazing benefits of plants. Our Earth provides so much for us but it is counteracted by the addition of chemicals, preservatives and highly processed foods that eliminate all the goodness. Food in its raw, unprocessed and natural form is medicine. Medicine is not only defined by lab made drugs. It is my intention for you to experience our Earth's wonders and be rewarded by them.

Have a question you'd like to ask me?

Head to the CONTACT US section below or pop a DM through our social media pages.

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