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Why choose our TISANES?

We put you first!


From the beginning our primary focus was to create tisanes (or any product) with the intention to improve your health and wellbeing. This meant looking beyond a tisane that just tasted good and held some possible benefits, because let's face it, there are so many out there to choose from already.


Instead we worked with the botanical's plant properties first and built our tisanes around that. We combined specific herbs that suited our intended purpose (like sleep) to boost the health benefits of the herbs, giving you superior results. Herbs are designed to work a certain way on their own but together with other herbs they become more potent, working better as a team than alone.


This is called synergy.

This is why we've created blends.


Once we had our chosen herbs for each blend we then decide which herbs we wanted more of based again on their properties and what we wanted them to do (e.g. different herbs promote sleep in different ways). This determined our ratios for each recipe blend, then the taste testing began.


The intention with our products it to first be beneficial to your health and then worry about the taste. Don't stress though, we tried these tisanes multiple times and with a little tweaking we've created tisanes that are beneficial to our standards and taste good too. 


If you are unfamiliar with herbal teas it's natural to be unsure if you'd like what you get. The taste can vary with every tisane and they do not taste anything like a cup of English breakfast. It's why we've given you the choice to purchase a sample pack.


Tisanes showcase a range of herbs and mostly they are quite earthy, floral or fruity in nature. Some are stronger or milder in flavour too. And they always smell amazing (good quality ones do). We've chosen to not add any additional flavouring (natural or otherwise) because we want you to experience the botanicals in their natural form. Each ingredient is purposeful, no shortcuts taken, ever.


We've gone even further by packaging our tisanes in biophotonic glass jars. These jars are designed by the manufacturer to enhance the potency and bioavailability of the ingredients inside. They essentially work by filtering light, only allowing the correct light through that doesn't damage the ingredients, instead preserving and enhancing. Biophotons are invisible light particles generated by almost all living things (even us). Evidence supports that absorbing biophotons increases vitality, prevents disease and even slows down the ageing process. The more biophotons you absorb, the better it is for your health and wellbeing.


Our jars are intended to be a one time purchase to be reused or refilled. Refills are now available in biodegradable/compostable pouches.


When purchasing a tisane, understand why you are buying it. A tisane's original purpose is to be medicinal in nature. It's not like buying a peach iced tea. It's a ritual of health and wellbeing where you make a conscious choice to take care of your body and mind.


It's where you sit by a fire on a cold winter night and enjoy a soothing blend of tisane to connect with your inner self. It's where you breathe in the floral aromas to calm your mind. It's where your body thanks you by absorbing all the goodness you just drank.


On those hot summer day's a cold tisane quenches your thirst. It's where a tisane can be brewed extra strong and fresh fruit added for some punch. Imagine the clinking of glasses shared with friends and family as you enjoy your company and your body enjoys it even more. 


Food in its natural form is medicine. Raw, organic and unprocessed foods are healing to the body. Tisanes fall into this category. There is no guilty afterthoughts by drinking a tisane. Pharmaceutical drugs are not the only form of 'medicine' and they are not the first either. The basis of any drug began with a plant.


Browse our Tisanes here.

Read more about us below.

our story ya.sena

Discover why ya.sena was created


our mission ya.sena

Know ya.sena's core purpose


our herbal tisanes/teas ya.sena

Why choose our Tisanes?


the founder ya.sena

The person behind it all


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